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Dating with TheMormegil77 in Cincinnati США

Send FREE Message to TheMormegil77
  • 62 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Стрелец
  • Cincinnati, США
  • Английский(Свободно), Испанский(Знаю основы)
  • driver & student
  • 2 ребенка
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 14 июля 2019 г.

Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол мужчина
Дети 2 ребенка
Хочу завести еще детей Возможно
Рост 5'8" - 5'9" (171-175см)
Тип тела Атлетическое
Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение Разведен
Образование Студент ВУЗа
Доход $10,000-$30,000/в год
Курильщик Очень часто
Пьющий Редко
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу женщина
Ищу в возрасте 18-32
Ищу, требования к росту
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения Атлетическое
Знакомство Брак
You want to know me? Most of “me” can be summed up in the following five “words;” philosopher, knight at heart, artist at heart, endless curiosity, and probably the most passionate human being in the history of the species. But, what is passion? I would define it simply as…depth, and intensity of emotion and feeling. The extent of my passion has been know to “intimidate,” or even “scare” people. This, probably more than anything else, has always most set me apart from all other people I’ve ever known. In some ways, this makes sense…as the world we live in today is one of “grayness,” and conformity to the “normal.” If you’ve not guessed yet…if you are a “normal” girl who desires and needs a “normal” man to live a “normal” life…you DON’T desire and need me! On the other hand, if you really think about it…ALL of the “great” achievements of “Man” throughout history…exploration, the arts, even the sciences…would never have happened without…deep passion. There can be no “greatness” in any way without it! Essentially all my life, I’ve had to “rein in,” and hide the vast majority of my passion, and myself. I desire and need a woman who…I will never need to do that with!
Описание идеального партнера:
How would you feel if a man...didn't want to live without you, because he loved you that much, and ALL his future hopes, dreams and plans he wanted to share with you, and included you? That...without you, his life and heart would be...empty and meaningless?

This past summer, I spent 15 days there in Donetsk. My time there, in one huge way, could hardly have been more different from what I had planned, and expected…in that I spent nearly ever moment on my time there with a woman that I only met (believe it or not) when I arrived at the airport there. In other ways, that time FAR exceeded my expectations or even my hopes and dreams, and was the best 15 days on my life…so far! Why was it so? Firstly, because…for all that time…I treated her as my Princess, my woman…and she also treated me as her Prince, her man, and such as no other woman has even done for me before in my life. However, it was MUCH more than only that. We spent a day and night in Mariupol, visiting with her best friend, and we spent the night at the flat of her friends and her two brothers. We also spent hours and had dinner at and with her family…twice, and we invited them for the same with me cooking for them. sighs…And in all of that, I felt more…a sense of acceptance, and belonging than I’ve EVER felt before, even with my own family! During and since that time, I…started to dream, yet…what good is a dream that you don’t strive for and make come true? The “core” of those dreams includes marriage, and moving there to live in the Ukraine…and both as soon as possible. I only need to find that right one woman who doesn’t desire and need merely correspondence and “chat,” but making a real life with a real man! One last thing...I desire and need a woman who will "go after" what she desires and needs (including me), not just sit on her pretty little ass and wait for a man to give it to her... - Online international dating site

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